Friday, February 14, 2014

I love you. Thanks so much.

One of my favorite web sites to check out is the Daily Mail UK ( It has stories you don't normally find in our press, and lots of stories you do find on American web sites, but with much better photos.

If a story on an American web site has one photo, the Daily Mail UK will run at least 10. For example, if you see a photo of Alexander Skarsgard in US Weekly doing something photogenic such as breathing or walking down a street, flip over to the Daily Mail and you can see tons of photos of him from the same event but from all different angles. Here's a photo of Big Al, which is what we would call the 6 '4" actor if he was born in the South instead of Sweden:

Wait, what was I writing about?

Now I remember.

In honor of Valentine's Day, the Daily Mail has a story about a London-based company called Swiftkey that makes an alternative keyboard app to use with mobile phones by its English-speaking users.

The company analyzed data to find out which words are typed into phones and tablets the most. The researchers discovered that love and politeness still rule the world. That's always good to hear.

Here is Swiftkey's complete Top 10 list of the most common phrases typed into mobile devices:

1. I love you.
2. Let me know.
3. How are you.
4. I don't know.
5. Thanks so much.
6. How about you.
7. See you then.
8. Sorry about that.
9. How's it going.
10. I miss you.

Follow Olivia on Twitter @oliviafortson