Friday, April 11, 2014

Brits: What's hot, what's not

I just finished reading a survey on the Daily Mail UK web site ( where the British public weighed in on what's hot, and what's not, this year.

I don't know if theses new trends will make it across the pond, but one of them really caught my attention.

Supposedly the hot new thing in London for singles wanting to mingle is Pheromone Parties. Held at clubs and pubs, the female attendees sniff plastic bags filled with T-shirts from males and pick their match based on the smell they find most attractive. What's the British slang equivalent of yuck? I do believe in the science of pheromone attraction, but surely there's a better way to go about it than sniffing a bag of some random guy's sweaty clothes.

A class I took several years ago at the Mint Museum qualifies as part of a hot new trend in the United Kingdom, so I feel quite cutting edge. The Brits call them Life Drawing classes. It's artists of all different skill levels meeting to paint portraits of a nude model. When I took my class, I didn't realize exactly what I was signing up for, so for the first few minutes I was surprised, but it was a fascinating artistic experience. No matter the age or body type of the model, it really does give you even more of an appreciation of the glory of the human body.

The trend I would must love to try (or watch others try) is Voga. Eighty-six percent of young British people who participated in the survey love this combination of yoga and Voguing, the 1980s New York dance craze made popular by drag queens and Madonna's famous "Vogue" song. As Madonna would say, strike a pose there's nothing to it. Now that's a way to make fitness fun! Here's a great video of a British yoga instructor demonstrating the trend. Leg warmers are optional.

Here's a summary of the report:

What's Cool
Lupito Nyong'o
Life Drawing Classes
Pheromone Parties

What's Uncool
Platform Heels
Miley Cyrus
Tinder (a smartphone dating site)
Hot Yoga

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