Friday, July 12, 2013

Vive la France!

In honor of France's national holiday, the French American Chamber of Commerce of North Carolina is hosting a free Bastille Day party from 5 to 9 p.m. on July 13 at the 7th Street Public Market, 224 E. Seventh St. uptown.

(The photo above was taken a few days ago of soldiers practicing for the big parade in Paris)

The market's vendors will have offerings of French food and wine. There's also a cheese and wine presentation. The John Alexander Jazz Trio will perform along with French accordionist Bob Wilusz. Bring les enfants if you want to - there are activities and entertainment for children.

(The photo above was taken at a past Bastille Day festival in Charlotte)

Parking at 7th Street Station is free for the first 90 minutes - but only if you have your ticket validated, so remember to bring it in to the event. 

Au revoir, mes amis! 

Follow Olivia on Twitter @oliviafortson